December 5, 2024 - 10 AM PT
Old Keys, New Risks: How Millions of Certificates are Reusing Private Keys
Available On-Demand!
Millions of TLS certificates are reusing private keys and it’s just as dangerous as password reuse. We uncovered instances of major organizations re-using the same private key across different domains for over a decade!
Even worse, we found evidence of companies continuing to re-use a private key AFTER IT WAS COMPROMISED! This means threat actors could continue to compromise the integrity of their servers. So, why are they not generating new private keys? Turns out, it’s a little complicated.
Register now to learn more about:
What is TLS private key re-use and why it’s risky?
Why it is so easy for organizations to make this mistake?
A new tool to quickly check for re-use on your domains
(Bonus) Insights into SSH private key re-use on GitHub!