Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few commonly asked questions about TruffleHog™ and the company behind the most poular secrets scanning tool, the Truffle Security Co.

Here are a few commonly asked questions about TruffleHog™ and the company behind the most poular secrets scanning tool, the Truffle Security Co.

What is secrets scanning and why do you need it?

What is TruffleHog?

How does TruffleHog work?

What is the difference between the open-source version of TruffleHog and TruffleHog Enterprise?

What is the difference between TruffleHog and other secrets scanning?

Can TruffleHog scan private repositories?

Does TruffleHog help with remediation?

How does TruffleHog integrate with my development stack?

How fast is TruffleHog?

When do I run TruffleHog?

How often is the open-source version of TruffleHog updated?